Saturday, September 15, 2012

Architecture: Considering Infrastructure (Sept. 13)

Post Contributed by Mr. Coppersmith

During this project students were asked - 
What is infrastructure? 
What does infrastructure look like?
In what ways does infrastructure function? 
What structures do we see and/or interact with on a daily basis?

Our students explored the general concepts of infrastructure by constructing roads and bridges in groups of 3 to 4 students.  Through collaboration on these constructions, each group worked intuitively to discover new techniques and construction methods using familiar materials. As each group got closer to the completion of their construction, they "tested" the function of their roads and bridges by attempting to roll a marble from one end of their construction to the other end.  This "marble test" posed a challenge that each small group confronted, by exchanging ideas and sharing insights to reconsider a more functional construction.

Some highlights of this lesson included strong collaboration among students as they worked to test their constructions and problem solve; their focus on the task at hand; and the excitement and pleasure they received as they shared their final constructions with the class. 

Mr. Coppersmith with paper sample (a possible construction element)

Daysha considering construction possibilities for the given sample

Mr. Coppersmith with paper cylinder sample (a possible onstruction element)

Laila providing construction options based upon the paper sample

Oliver providing his suggestions for construction with the given sample

Heidi contemplating the given sample

Laila (background) Emory (foreground)

Anika and Emory

Anika and Emory
A group effort! Laila, Anika and Kasper
Anika testing the construction with a marble

Kasper testing the construction

Oliver and Ben

Testing the construction


Hayden and Andrew

Mikel, Xavier and Jessica

Jessica testing the construction

The moment of truth: Does it function?

Daysha, Heidi & Sylvia

Testing the construction

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