Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cars of the Future!

Contributed by Nina Rozes, Teacher

In this lesson, students created "blueprints" of their own designs for cars of the future. What new types of technologies could be developed for our cars in fifty years? What will a luxury vehicle look like in the future and what features will it have? What will fuel them? The students discussed these questions while referencing images and prototypes of future cars created from the 1930's to the 1960's by General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. The students compared the luxury features, design and type of fuel these futuristic concept cars were projected to run on with the designs and features of cars created today, particularly hybrid and electric cars. Inspired by this discussion and relating the design of cars to animals that evoke movement such as birds and sea creatures, students designed "blueprints" of their own concept cars of the future. Some students even created their own design firms in the classroom and collaborated on the concepts for their cars!



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