Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Get Moving" Inventions

Post Contributed by Jocelyne Adkins, Program Director

We had so much fun on Monday, sharing some of the wonderful and zany inventions in the "Klutz Book of Inventions"* and encouraging our students to think in new directions to create inventions of their own.

*a big thank you to the Neuner family for this much appreciated and well loved Klutz book donation!

Some Klutz favorites were high-heeled shoes with training wheels; a tricycle that could mow the lawn as you pedaled; and toilet seats that stacked one on top of the other, one for each family member. Inspired by these inventions, students worked in small groups to brainstorm and sketch some of their own zany inventions. A body-shaped take-everywhere bed, a sibling spy device and a homework-eating dog are a few of the really fun inventions they created : )

Today, we created inventions to get kids moving, inspired by a challenge created by the Lemelson Foundation and PBS's Design Squad in their Invent It, Build It guide.

Leila (left), Joesph (jumping in center), Ben

 To begin, we discussed the steps involved in the invention process:

1. Brainstorm Ideas: outrageous to practical
2. Design: consider what is possible with the given materials
3. Build It
4. Test & Redesign: does it work and what could make it better?
5. Share It With Others



We supplied items such as markers, play-doh lids, carpet tile samples, wooden beads, craft sticks, clear plastic cups, elastic cord, twine, and empty juice bottles as materials. Then students went to work, using the materials on hand to spark ideas for their "Get Moving" inventions.


It was wonderful to observe the students, as they went through the steps of the invention process and edited, revised and fine-tuned their work until they felt confident with the results. A number of students over-came specific challenges and stayed true to their vision, while others decided a new start was probably the best way to go. We invite you to view the photos below, as there was much to document along the way! Towards the end of class, the students shared their inventions with an attentive and supportive audience of classmates and parents. Kudos to all of our inventors for their hard work and perseverance!!!  

Ben (left) and Joseph (right)









Joey's Invention

Joey, demonstrating his invention


Jessica (left) and Elise (right)

Elise and her invention (held by Ms. Burnstein, on the left)


Leila (jumping, left) and Ginger (right)


Joey and Jessica



Leila and Ginger

Jordan (left) and Jadon (right)

Jordan (left) and Jadon (right)

Carson and Dexter


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