Post Contributed by Jocelyne Adkins, Program Director
Hi Families,
Today we were thrilled to welcome back artist and educator Andy Coppersmith, who taught with us last year! Today, his lesson asked us to consider abstract sculpture. Mr. Coppersmith projected numerous sculptures by artists such as Rachel Harrison and Jessica Stockholder for the children to view. He encouraged them to talk about the characteristics they found interesting, curious and eye-catching. They discussed colors, shapes, forms, materials, objects and meaning.
Jackson's completed sculpture |
For the project, Mr. Coppersmith supplied squares of wood to serve as a base, light-weight cardboard (originally using as packaging
material), and nylon stockings
to function as a "container" for the cardboard packaging and wood base. Students manipulated the cardboard by rolling, crushing, folding, etc.
and then pushed it into the nylon stocking, atop the wood block.
Diluted glue was applied to the exterior of the sculptural form, creating a barrier to hold layers of paint. The colors and
forms the students created are spectacular! To see these in person,
please visit the display case outside the main office : ) Kudos Mr. C, this was such a fabulous project!!!
Andy Coppersmith, Visiting Artist |
Heidi and Jackson, commenting on Rachel Harrison's work |
Getting started! |
Getting started! |
Chan pushing the cardboard into the nylon stocking |
Shlok rolling the cardboard |
Jadon adding glue |
Dexter |
Emory |
Heidi considering her next step |
Anika |
Lucy |
Jordon |
Shlok's completed sculpture |
Shlok |
Jacob |
Jackson |
Elise |
Elise |
Aniks |
Anika |
Lucy |
Jessica |
Yeueun |
Elijah |
Peyton |
Jessica |